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Holy Week and Easter services

Palm Sunday, 13th April

palm sunday

All-Age Communion, 10am

We'll begin this service with a procession from the top of Vicarage Gate at 9.50am.

Choral Meditation on the Passion 6.30pm

Our choir will be leading us in a special time of words and music


Maundy Thursday, 17th April

maundy thursday foot washing

Holy Communion, 9.30am

A short service of Holy Communion in the Reading Room.

Holy Communion with Foot Washing, 8pm followed by a vigil from 9-10pm

We remember Jesus' last supper with his disciples on the night before he died, and wait with him in prayer.


Good Friday, 18th April

good friday'Walking with Jesus to the Cross', 10.30am

We’ll be re-enacting the story of the last days of Jesus’ life. 
Followed by hot cross buns!

'The Watch', 12 noon - 3pm

An hour of quiet reflection in church.

Easter Day

sunriseSunrise Communion Service, 20th April, 5.15am.

An outdoor service around an open fire at the front of church. Stay for breakfast afterwards at the Vicarage.





jesus out of the tombAll Age Family Communion, 20th April, 10am.

A family service to celebrate that Christ is Risen! Followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.


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